This talk covers much of the book’s content in about 40 minutes. Hear Anne give a behind-the-scenes look at the design and experience of a NAKFI conference. Find out how to bring other knowledge and tools into your gathering and explore suggestions for how investigators, funders, universities, and others might adapt this model.
There was a lot to cover about NAKFI after 15 years! These links will take you directly to the chapters containing the information we’re asked about most by people wanting to apply the model in their own contexts.
“I have been working with this book lately, identifying its insights for inter- and trans-disciplinary work. It works on two levels: as a comprehensive accounting for the Futures Initiative and as a collection of insignts for broad external audience”
Built into the program’s design was a commitment to “an evolving model” and ongoing program evaluation with long-term internal staff. The core of the program was an annual team-based conference where participants worked together in small groups on compelling problems. The topic changed every year. Afterward, NAKFI supported new collaborations through $1 million each year in seed grants. The evaluation used a variety of methods and tracked conference attendees and seed grantees for several years.
There was remarkable diversity in the scientific topics covered during NAKFI’s existence. Summaries of NAKFI conference held from 2003 to 2016 are available for free download from National Academies Press. Collaborations of Consequence, the definitive resource about the program, is also available there.
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